Thursday, December 21, 2006

"Do They Know it's Christmas Time at All?"

I rember growing up inthe 80's. It was fun time the Raiders won the Super Bowl back in 83 destroying the Redskins. It was great time of life. We had lived in the Texas, Virgina, Mass, and finally settled in Conn.

Right now after spending 3 years in the SW I am glad to be in Montana. We are expecting snow this Christmas, and after a long time I can actually sing "Iam dreaming of White Christmas, just liek the ones I used to know"

Speaking of songs there is one that I love. It's the title of this posting "Do they know it's Christmas Time at All?". The big names in British music got together and decided they needed to dosomething about the poor and starving people in Ethopia. So, they made a song, an album and gave the proceeds to help take care of these children and their parents.

Today I was wonderng do people in my community know it's Christmas time at all? Do they know that the greatest gift ever given is the Life of Jesus Christ. Yes, practically my fmaily bought gifts and supplies for a child on the Walmart "Angel Tree". But, does that child and her parents understand what Christmas is about?

Do they think it is just about gifts, happy tidings, and spending time with their familes or do they know that "God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, so that who believes in him, will not perish, but have eternal life" John 3:16 NLT? Do they know that the "christian" world is more about showing love to others, than just recieving the love of others?

That is what our Bristish folks did. They showed the world "Love to others". It is a simple song and simple reminder that the greatest gift we will ever receive is eternal life, brought to us by the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

May God truely bless you this Holy day Season.

Merry Christmas,

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