Monday, January 14, 2008

A sad reality

Last month we had to give our dog back to the pound. We loved Bizbe, but she was not a great dog for us. I live on Church property. We have a 4ft fence and an open door policy. Bizbe was blue heeler and border collie mix. She was very cute and very well behaved. Except when people would coem over. At that point Bizbe would turn into Cujo. She would jump the fence in single bound, and go after the people. "Hi welcome to your pastor's house, she won't bite!" She never bit, but she did scare a lot of people, and one time ran out the door to chase down a friends kids.

As I say crying as my wife took her back to the pound, it hit me hard that I was heart broken, over my dog and yet, I did not cry over the lost who live in the Mission Valley.

Jesus came to destroy the works of the Devil and Save the World. His commishings us to teach his word, and show them his love. Have lost this in 2008? Have we forgot about the unbelievers and there plight? I had. I got busy with Decemeber and ministry stuff. I got busy with turning around a church, and dealign with internal conflicts and the sins behind them. i got busy in the word, on ofurms, rading blogs, and forgot that people need Jesus.

Forgot that I need Jesus too.

In 2008 I want to be more aware when it's time to shut my mouth, and open my heart. I want to look at the oppurtunities that GOD places me in and then enjoy being his child, and sharing my love for Jesus with others.

Sharing my love for Jesus, that is my goal. I hope it is your too



Anonymous said...

Great Insight! Red.

Seraphim said...

wow. you took the dog back? rather than train her? place her out back? maybe the message is also when things get tough we take the easy way..

..and the world sees that.

I'm not sure I could talk to a pastor that gives a dog back to the pound...

not trying to be harsh.

Malsteem said...

We had to take her back, our Landlord required it.