Tuesday, May 06, 2008

It's been about a month

Sometimes when Life get's crazy I forget to take time out for myself. I forget to take a rest and just go "ahh". In the last 2 weeks we have hosted funeral's and starting praying about some major things for this church that I am honored to serve at. However for the last month I have not stopped enough to smell the roses, let alone know that roses are blooming.

I have been involved in some discussions about church, politics (Hillary Clinton is starting to make sense to me, family, children, real worship and just helping peopel in general.

I am starting to care more about my flock. This might surprise you, but all pastors that have been abused by churches are weary about being hurt again. There is an old saying "Screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me". Most of us do not want to go through all the pain, or take our families through the pain of a bad church again. To be honest some churches will make you want to leave the ministy, or church, if not following Christ all together.

Where sin is accepted, celebrated, rationalized, and justified, there will always be problems, there will always be the water fo the word fo God, and there will always be baby milk Christians. Where are the meat eaters? Where are the mature in christ Jesus? Why are these people not standing up for God and his word? Are there any of these people left in the church?

The problem in church is sin. Your sin and my sin. The reason that we sin, is becasue we decided to choose something over God.
That is a problem
We must learn to choose God first, and that also means that we must choose to follow Christ and his teachings.

if not then we are just playing the game called Life and we are playing Christianity. We might look like it, but in reality wea re not honestly following God. I think that is what breaks my heart the most, people who claim to love Jesus but deny them by thier words and actions. We know that si why many people have walked away from the Lord, and why many people ahve walked away from what si suppossed to be the safe place the church.

The only way that it will get better, is when we tak time to be Holy. When we spend time with the Lord, and slow ourselves down to enojy his creation.


1 comment:

Kerusso said...

Good stuff, Mike. Thanks for sharing it.