Monday, January 29, 2007

What excites you? What gives you goosebumps? How about the hevee-jeeves? What make syou cry? What makes you laugh? What makes you sing? What brings you peace?

In the world today we look everwhere to find what we want. I want to be like the Jones, so I buy things only to have them repossed, or to be paying up the wazu in debt to "The man". We run, we chase after, we scheme, cheat and steal all for the praise of ther people. So that we can fit in, so that we can be in the in crowd, in realtiy so that other people will except us.

Here in Pablo, we have started the Gospel of John. I know that Jesus is the main character, and the his best friend "A" John is the writer. I love how We are shown that Christ is divine, and that Jesus' mission is to "take away the sins of the world". But, there is a character, a mad man, off in the wilderness that has peeked my intrest.

John the Baptist. He is awild man after God. Imagine him, think about it He probably look's like Grizzly Adam, or Rob Ryan the defensive coach of the Oakland Raiders. He smells of honey and is wearing an camel outfit.

What really impresses me abotu John is that he knew his role and did it. He was the not Christ, Not the prophet, Not Elijah. " I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way of the Lord" ESV John 1:23

The question(s) for you is/are this: what is it that God wants you to be doing? How do you use the talents and abilites he has given you to brign God glory? and what do we need to get rid of (pride, etc) so that we can be better serve God?

In finishing this post I want to challenge you this next week to think about these things and if you have the time check out this website to explore your non charasmatic spiritual gifts.

Imperfect adn serving Jesus


Judy said...

Hi Mike,
Your 2 most recent posts are topics that are heavy on my heart lately. It can be discouraging to try to follow closely to the leading of the Holy Spirit when you're in leadership at a mega-church. Pride really can get in the can insecurity. Thank you for the reminder that we should all be like John the Baptist...pointing everyone to Christ. God bless you & the work Jesus has called you to do.

Malsteem said...

THanks Judy