Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A Letter from a Friend

This letter was written to me and others from a friend of mine. He is over in Iraq helping our forces defend the US, and to bring Liberty and freedom of religion over in the Middle East. Please continue to pray for the brave men and women who are over there, no matter your views on this war.

hey, what's up?

So, may I tell you a story? As you know I'm in Iraq fighting for America's interests, freedom, especially the freedom to worship God freely. I'm a combat medic and have the responsibility of maintaining my guys' health. This is one of my stories:

One night I was called to go downstairs and meet an Iraqi soldier who was having an unknown medical issue. As I wait I see 4 Iraqi Army (IA) soldiers carrying one of their own who seems to be somewhat combative. So much so that we needed 4 guys to hold him down while I evaluated him. 2 things came to mind and were brought up as suggestions as to what the problem may be: epilepsy or seizures,or tetanus. At this time the man was young and most likely in his mid 20's struggling against all of us. Shouting things in Iraqi that I couldn't comprehend. I did my evaluation and found no physical signs of bruising, cuts, open wounds, etc. And I asked how many times this has happened. His captain stated that this is the second episode. The first episode happened 15 days ago. And I asked if he has been in any accidents that may cause head trauma and seizures. He has been in a car accident, but it was the morning of the same day he was brought to me. So trauma to the head couldn't have been the cause. Nor tetanus because his joints were not locking up. As obviously stated, he was freely combative, either indirecly of directly at us. Vitals were normal for someone under stress . . . . .

To make a long story short, I came to the conclusion that he was possessed. He was making gestures suggesting that he couldn't breath, but he could shout. He was definitely struggling at something. So 20 minutes into it I was praying, and praying loud. Now during this time my comrades outspokenly suggested that this guy must be faking it big time to get out of this place. I would agree with them if they could explain to me why his pupils are dilated for the most part of the ordeal. We held him down for a good 1 1/2 hr before he fully came to and was able to stand up on his own. With my LIMITED medical knowledge I couldn't find anything wrong with him. He was normally working the next day.

I asked one of our chaplains what he thought. He agreed. And believe me, I would rather believe that he was faking it. I've never experienced anything supernatural in my life and never wanted to. I'm not afraid to say that I'm a freakin fraidy cat when it comes to ghosts and demons etc. Ask my mom and sis ^_^.

Just wanted to share that. I don't know why God of all places and time to let me experience that but His will be done. I am now more ridiculed because of what happened. Mocked behind my back. But hey, oh well, God is good. If these are the things that God is preparing me for, then I really don't wanna know what happens next. 'sigh'. . .

So please pray for me. I'm trying hard and have finally decided to follow the path God laid for me. (mumbles: which kinda sucks for a lot of things . . . haha, oh well) ^_^. Take care and God bless.

Joshua 1:5,6,7,9 "Be strong and courageous . . . " x3

Hosea: 6:6, Matt 9:13, 12:7 "I desire mercy than burnt offerings" = He said it twice in Matthew so far, as I'm reading the book. How many times we offer ourselves, our tithes, our gifts to God, but fail to show kindness, love, mercy to others? Especially those people that have angered us, friends who've hurt us, betrayed us, poor people who asked for something to eat, our ex's, co-workers, supervisors who constantly raise our blood pressure. How can I go to church and put it tithes and sings songs of praise and worship when just the day before I could've have shown kindess to THAT person. But who knows right? That could'nt have been Jesus. Jesus wouldn't come to us as a poor man or woman or lost child, just to find out what's really in our hearts.

Many of us, soldiers, hate these people who kill not only us but their own. But I can't, and I won't becuase they need Jesus more than I do.

^_^ take care and God bless. May God be with you today at work, in school, at home. May He be the foundation of your friendships, relationships, and may He bless you always. Keep you safe always. Love you always.

In Faith,

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