Monday, March 19, 2007

To be Great

Sorry it has been such a long time since I have posted. I will try to post at least once a week by

I often imagine myself having a conversation with God. We talk about different things and I usually end up confession my sins. He is good like that, able to listen and show love when we mess up. Lately one part of the conversation always turns to "what do you want?" " I want wisdom, I want a heart that belongs to you, I want to know more, I want your words written on my heart, protection for my church and family. I want my church to grow, and I want new people to come to Christ Jesus." " I want people to see Jesus in me"

"What do you want?"
Today it finally hit me "I want to be great in your eyes". I don't have to the next Milt Jones, Max Lucado, Billy G, Rick Warren, Bob Russel, Mark Driscoll or Brian McClaren. What I want is to be great in your eyes. For you to say "This is my Son, whom I love, good job, my good and faithful servant"

I think the most we can ask for is to be used by God, for His Kingdom. Not to settle to settle for "status quo", but to strive to be great in the eyes of our Creator.

I want to leave you with the words from a group called "Ten Shekel Shirt"

I have always wanted to be somebody who is great
To be great in, great in your eyes, is my dream
To be the one who makes you smile is everything
To love my enemies
To serve others until I become the least
To be great in, great in your eyes, is my dream
To be the one who makes you smile is everything
Greatness in this world is different than greatness in your eyes
To be great in, great in your eyes, is my dream
To be the one who makes you smile is everything
To be genuine in my love for others and for you
is to be great
Let's try to remember that a life that is great to God, is a life that is daily dying to itself and following Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just stopped by to say hi. Hadan't looked at your blog in a while. Better go look at Scubalon...