Monday, June 25, 2007

What might have been

Sorry for Skipping out on you last week.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking about "What might of Been". Every once in a while I wonder what would of happened in my life, If I would of stayed in Nashville, TN instead of moving to AZ and then to Seattle. I wonder who I would of married, and what I would be doing. Would I have kids, a dog? Would my friend Jon, his wife and I, still be building Lighting Design Concepts, would we be working with Ardre Design Group or would I be workign wtih Tennessee Coffee Comapny?

Part fo thinking of what of been brings me to think of my college frieds. Espcailly the Posse. Two of my closest friends in the world (besides my wife)are found in this group of people:, Lisa, La, Marla, Steph, Duff, Brady, Kim, Dana, Crag and a few others. Dana has cool website that I need to add to my links. It's called "Think Pink" She is a cancer survior, and shares her and Craigs Story.

The one person that I have kept up with the most is Lisa. Her and I e-mail back and forth every once in a while. We were extremly close in college and we shared apartment when we lived in Seattle. If it was not for Lisa I doubt I would of ever gotten to Seattle and meet my wife Heidi. Even though she is a teacher at Private School on the other side of the country, she is still on of my closest friends. It is cool to see the changes in our realtionship through out the years. From two people doing theater together, to each others counselor, and now we live across from each other. She is a teacher in a private school in the Carolinia's and happily married, and I am a pastor in the Great North West. Over the years we have become more like brother and sister, then just friends. Someday I look forward to visiting back east and meeting her husband and friends.

Another of my closest friends in the group in La. La is just one those specail people in my life. She us funny, good humored and put up with a lot of garbage that life and I threw at her. Along with Lisa, she is one of the people that kept somewaht sane during my adventures in Nashville. I think at one point everybody expected us to be married. At think at couple of different points in out lives, if we would of started dating instead of just being great friends, we would be married, or ruined a great friendship. La is married to wonderful guy named Jon, they are living in Tennessee and have one daughter. I love Jon, and he and I were good friends during our time togethers.

I cannot be more happy ofr La and John and Lisa and her man; It's just every once in while I think "What might of been?"

Where would I be if I never left Nashville? What would of happened if I dateed Lisa or La? Honestly I most likly would be working for a stage-lighting or scene design company. I might of gotten into radio work, or something else to do with big events(concerts, theatre productions, movies, etc). I do not know if I would of even been a youth minister, or church planter and now the pastor of a great small church in the Mission Valley of MT. I know I would of not met my bride Heidi (8 years in July), and have two wonderful daughters, that run up and hug me when I get home from the office. I doubt that I would be blogging and meeting intersating people on the OOZE and CCT. I doubt that I would be able to speak the Word of God, with the freedom I now enjoy (1 hour this last Sunday). We rent pillows for our youth fund raiser. :)

Even though I loved my past working with shows, and I dearly love Lisa and La. Sometimes it is hard not to think about what might of been. I think that sometimes we are all like that. "what if" and it is at this time that I need to remember to count my blessings of WHAT IS . I can't live in the past and continue to wonder "what if" and "what might have been's", because our God has called me to live in the present, to press on to the goal, and to be used for His Kingdom; NOW!

As the Apostle Paul states " I have forgotten the past, and press on to the goal." My goal is to get to heaven, and to be used by God to preach his word, to be Holy, to write devotionals, to sing his praises, and equip his saints to walk the Narrow Road.

While I love my posse and all that they bring to enrich my life, I need to remember that they are a huge blessing from God , to show me how much I am loved by Him.

To the Posse I love you guys, and canot wait to sepnd time with you again. If I have to wait until heaven, than I better see you there. :) To everyone else I hope that while loving people from the past, will learn to count your blessing's of today, and lets' not wonder "what of been"

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