Monday, July 30, 2007

Need Some of this.

What great two weeks I had at camp. 3 Kids had their sins washed away as they were baptized into Christ Jesus, and about 5 others are talking with their families, and pastors about giving their life Christ.

As I sit here today, I am tired and worn out. I have two weeks of office stuff to catch up on, and the heat is draining the life out of me. I did not move to the great NW to be in 100+ degree weather.

I also feel a lot like Elijah. I need some inspiration. I have visited blogs I enjoy, and even listened to a sermon. Still I am wanting more. I feel lonely, and a little depressed. Yesterdays; sermon was about Abiding in Christ, and that Jesus set us free from sin. It seemed to hit people in the heart.I think thatI am just in funk like Elijah was after Mt. Carmel. I know God loves me, that My church loves me, and that I was used for the last two weeks to share the Good news of Jesus Christ with a bunch of kids ranging from 4-9Th grade. Shouldn't that be enough?

I mean I've been used by God to touch his people, and yet today I am looking to be touched myself. I want to be inspired, I want to uplifted, and challenged. I want to feel Jesus in new ways. I want to be used for the kingdom, and yet I feel that I am alone out here in God's country.

One warrior, fighting the battle against Satan and his dark forces. One Warrior looking around to see who will join him, and then being reminded that God is in the gentle whisper. That HE has called others to stand and fight beside me, behind me, and in front me.

I am not alone.

I am a warrior, who is fighting a battle to show the love of Jesus into the darkness of this world.

I am a warrior commissioned by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, to battle against the lies of the Evil one.

I am a warrior whose outpost is in the wilderness, and yet has support of other warriors around this world.

I am a warrior, an imperfect Warrior, who is trying to please his King.

I am an imperfect Warrior of the Cross of Christ Jesus. I stumble, I fall and I get on my knees and pray, and the Lord sends me out once again to do battle, because He has designed me, to be a Warrior.


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