My Friend Jeff has lost his mind. :) Actually Jeff is on a great faith journey. He has left the Independant Christ Church and is now a Pastor of a Baptist church. I wish him well and will always love him.
We might disagree on some things doctrinely, but we will always agree that Jesus is enough. He posted this video (I believe by Piper) on his blog and I wanted to share it with you today.
My question for you---- Is Jesus enough?
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Healing Worship
I want you to stop what you are doing, put down the phone. Turn off the ringer(s) and listen to this Video:
No matter the battle. God is still here and we have a reason to sing and worship. Life can suck sometimes. It really can. Life can suck the life out of you and it is in our darkness we must remember, We must remember that GOD IS OUR VICTORY and that he loves us. He is not far, he is near. He is passionately near us, waiting for us to talk with him, pray with him, praise him, and patiently wait for us to give him all our burdens.
Give them to the one who take care of it. Give everything over to Jesus. Do it today, you have no need to hang on to it anymore. Let the Cross of Christ heal you, cleanse you, wash you and guide you.
I love ya,
No matter the battle. God is still here and we have a reason to sing and worship. Life can suck sometimes. It really can. Life can suck the life out of you and it is in our darkness we must remember, We must remember that GOD IS OUR VICTORY and that he loves us. He is not far, he is near. He is passionately near us, waiting for us to talk with him, pray with him, praise him, and patiently wait for us to give him all our burdens.
Give them to the one who take care of it. Give everything over to Jesus. Do it today, you have no need to hang on to it anymore. Let the Cross of Christ heal you, cleanse you, wash you and guide you.
I love ya,
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Redeeming Friendships
I am now on Facebook and connecting up with people from my past. It has been a interasting trip the last couple of weeks. Before this my first g/f contacted me to see who I was doign through Classmates.
Most of the people that knew me in High school or college would not reconginze the man who sits behind the keyboard and challenges all us to live better for Jesus. I was differet. I did not have a good self-esteem. I did not know "WHO I AM IN CHRIST" and did not beleive that God truely loved me and cared for me.
That has all changed. As we transform into the likeness of our Savior Jesus Christ we see that he has things to say about us:
1. I am the salt of the earth and the light of the World – Matt 5:13-14
2. I am a Child of God – John 1:12
3. I am part of the True Vine, a branch of Christ’s life to bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God – John 15:1-17
4. I am Christ Jesus’ friend – John 15:15
5. I am chosen and appointed by Christ to bear His Fruit – John 15:16
6. I have died to myself and no longer a slave to sin, instead I am slave of righteousness – Romans 6: 1-23
7. I am a joint heir with Christ, sharing HIS inheritance with Him and will be glorified with him – Romans 8:17
8. I am child of God and He is spiritually my Father – Rom 8:14, Gal 3:26
9. I am temple, a dwelling place of God; His Spirit and His life dwell in me and I have been bought with a price – 1 Cor 3:16, 6:19-20
10. I am joined (united) to the Lord and have become one spirit with him – 1 Cor 6:17
11. I am a New Creation – 2 Cor 5:17
12. I am reconciled to God and I am minister of Reconciliation –
2 Cor 5:18-19
13. I AM A SAINT – Eph 1:1; 1 Cor 1:2; Phil 1:1; Col 1:2
14. I am God’s workmanship --- His handiwork--- Born anew in Christ Jesus to do his work –Eph 2:19
15. I am Righteous and Holy – Eph 4:24
16. I am hidden in Christ and Christ is my Life – Col 3:3-4
17. I am loved and chosen by the LORD God – 1 Thess 1:4
18. I am a Child of Light – 1 Thess 5:5
19. I am born of God and God loves me – James 5:1
20. I am a holy brother or sister, and a partaker in a heavenly calling – Heb 3:1
21. I am part of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, so that I may proclaim the excellencies of him who called me out of the darkness into Christ’ marvelous light - Peter 2:9
22. I am loved by Christ Jesus and he has freed me from my sins, by his blood and made us a kingdom, priest to His God and Father to give God glory and dominion forever and ever. – Rev 1:5-6
Because of these things. I have GOD-esteem and I know who I am. The great thing is people that I have not talked to in 18 years are now getting to see a changed man. A man that is more concerned abotu the kingdom of God, and his children then about himself.
God redeems friendships in that these people are back in my life, and they see the old addage "Look what the Lord has done to me"
Most of the people that knew me in High school or college would not reconginze the man who sits behind the keyboard and challenges all us to live better for Jesus. I was differet. I did not have a good self-esteem. I did not know "WHO I AM IN CHRIST" and did not beleive that God truely loved me and cared for me.
That has all changed. As we transform into the likeness of our Savior Jesus Christ we see that he has things to say about us:
1. I am the salt of the earth and the light of the World – Matt 5:13-14
2. I am a Child of God – John 1:12
3. I am part of the True Vine, a branch of Christ’s life to bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God – John 15:1-17
4. I am Christ Jesus’ friend – John 15:15
5. I am chosen and appointed by Christ to bear His Fruit – John 15:16
6. I have died to myself and no longer a slave to sin, instead I am slave of righteousness – Romans 6: 1-23
7. I am a joint heir with Christ, sharing HIS inheritance with Him and will be glorified with him – Romans 8:17
8. I am child of God and He is spiritually my Father – Rom 8:14, Gal 3:26
9. I am temple, a dwelling place of God; His Spirit and His life dwell in me and I have been bought with a price – 1 Cor 3:16, 6:19-20
10. I am joined (united) to the Lord and have become one spirit with him – 1 Cor 6:17
11. I am a New Creation – 2 Cor 5:17
12. I am reconciled to God and I am minister of Reconciliation –
2 Cor 5:18-19
13. I AM A SAINT – Eph 1:1; 1 Cor 1:2; Phil 1:1; Col 1:2
14. I am God’s workmanship --- His handiwork--- Born anew in Christ Jesus to do his work –Eph 2:19
15. I am Righteous and Holy – Eph 4:24
16. I am hidden in Christ and Christ is my Life – Col 3:3-4
17. I am loved and chosen by the LORD God – 1 Thess 1:4
18. I am a Child of Light – 1 Thess 5:5
19. I am born of God and God loves me – James 5:1
20. I am a holy brother or sister, and a partaker in a heavenly calling – Heb 3:1
21. I am part of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, so that I may proclaim the excellencies of him who called me out of the darkness into Christ’ marvelous light - Peter 2:9
22. I am loved by Christ Jesus and he has freed me from my sins, by his blood and made us a kingdom, priest to His God and Father to give God glory and dominion forever and ever. – Rev 1:5-6
Because of these things. I have GOD-esteem and I know who I am. The great thing is people that I have not talked to in 18 years are now getting to see a changed man. A man that is more concerned abotu the kingdom of God, and his children then about himself.
God redeems friendships in that these people are back in my life, and they see the old addage "Look what the Lord has done to me"
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Let God unfold it
I have been all of the place this summer, and have neglected my blog, and keeping it updated. I ask for you to forgive me and I will try to get better posting. Currently I am averaging about once a month. I also need to update my links and other things.
I have a new mentor in my life. He is pastor from a different type of church then I minister at and he has been in the ministry over 20 years compared to me celebrating year 5 starting this October.
There are things that never change. You can switch churches, switch city, state or even countries and there will still be the same old problems. Most of the problems that Pastors deal with in ministry rotate around SIN. Pride is a big one, elevating tradition to being just as important to scripture (Idolatry?) is another, and so are unbiblically characterized church leadership. In other words people who are leading the church and have no business according to the Bible (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, 1 Peter 5) to be in those roles.
Sometimes I think it would be easier to just to take them out back and *cough* "show" them the error's of their ways. Other times I pray for their repentance. Mostly I just want them to leave me alone, and for them to follow God's Word. A friend of mine once encouraged me that the Bride of Christ is full of Zits and that Jesus loves her anyway. While I agree with him, I also know that most people POP zits to get the disease out. :)
If you are a church leader (elder) and do not find yourself full of the Spirit(look at the fruits of the Spirit; Gal 5), full of wisdom (look at your fruits, are they honoring GOD, self, man or tradition) and of a good reputation (what people honestly think of you). Then it is time for you to repent and for some to resign.
The problem with most churches starts at the top, starts at the examples, the ones who are to be walking in Christ, because they (elders, Ministers/Pastors) are going to give an account to God for all that we have done. I wonder what would happen if the leaders of any given church were honestly "Sold Out" to Jesus and Him alone? How would that change the church, the community, the state, the country and the world we live in? We might actually save a few souls, and in the process our selves. I look forward to this day in my church,when it has Elders. Men who are completly Sold out to Jesus Christ and the Great Commission instead of worry about the color of toilet paper.
My mentor rebuked me the other day. He knows that I am idealistic and hold a high standard for the Word of God. He also knows that I part of the McDonald's,Starbucks, ATM and microwave oven generation and we expect things to be done "Now!" He reminded me that when God blooms a rose it is beautiful and takes time to unfold. When man pulls the petals to make a rose bloom, it is ugly.
Let us all remember to let God unfold in his time what he desires.
Here is another great song by Kari Jobe. It is a reminder to all of us the greatness of God
I have been all of the place this summer, and have neglected my blog, and keeping it updated. I ask for you to forgive me and I will try to get better posting. Currently I am averaging about once a month. I also need to update my links and other things.
I have a new mentor in my life. He is pastor from a different type of church then I minister at and he has been in the ministry over 20 years compared to me celebrating year 5 starting this October.
There are things that never change. You can switch churches, switch city, state or even countries and there will still be the same old problems. Most of the problems that Pastors deal with in ministry rotate around SIN. Pride is a big one, elevating tradition to being just as important to scripture (Idolatry?) is another, and so are unbiblically characterized church leadership. In other words people who are leading the church and have no business according to the Bible (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, 1 Peter 5) to be in those roles.
Sometimes I think it would be easier to just to take them out back and *cough* "show" them the error's of their ways. Other times I pray for their repentance. Mostly I just want them to leave me alone, and for them to follow God's Word. A friend of mine once encouraged me that the Bride of Christ is full of Zits and that Jesus loves her anyway. While I agree with him, I also know that most people POP zits to get the disease out. :)
If you are a church leader (elder) and do not find yourself full of the Spirit(look at the fruits of the Spirit; Gal 5), full of wisdom (look at your fruits, are they honoring GOD, self, man or tradition) and of a good reputation (what people honestly think of you). Then it is time for you to repent and for some to resign.
The problem with most churches starts at the top, starts at the examples, the ones who are to be walking in Christ, because they (elders, Ministers/Pastors) are going to give an account to God for all that we have done. I wonder what would happen if the leaders of any given church were honestly "Sold Out" to Jesus and Him alone? How would that change the church, the community, the state, the country and the world we live in? We might actually save a few souls, and in the process our selves. I look forward to this day in my church,when it has Elders. Men who are completly Sold out to Jesus Christ and the Great Commission instead of worry about the color of toilet paper.
My mentor rebuked me the other day. He knows that I am idealistic and hold a high standard for the Word of God. He also knows that I part of the McDonald's,Starbucks, ATM and microwave oven generation and we expect things to be done "Now!" He reminded me that when God blooms a rose it is beautiful and takes time to unfold. When man pulls the petals to make a rose bloom, it is ugly.
Let us all remember to let God unfold in his time what he desires.
Here is another great song by Kari Jobe. It is a reminder to all of us the greatness of God
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Getting ready for camp
As i was taking abreak from gettign ready for camp, and cleanign my office a friedns of mine posted this on website I enjoy:
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Cardboard Testimony
A friend linked this on a forum that Ivisit. I hope that you see how mcuh God loves you and that you are thankful for your Cardboard Testimony
Monday, June 09, 2008
A Video from Larry West
Larry West is Evangelist from the Restoration Movement background. We Care Ministries goes through out the US to teach people how to share thier faith. My dad regave his life to Jesus through thier work, and my step mom finally gave her's.

That is one fo the greatest pictures I have seen.
I hope that you enjoy this teachign from Larry West.
May the Lord Shine richly on you,
Larry West is Evangelist from the Restoration Movement background. We Care Ministries goes through out the US to teach people how to share thier faith. My dad regave his life to Jesus through thier work, and my step mom finally gave her's.

That is one fo the greatest pictures I have seen.
I hope that you enjoy this teachign from Larry West.
May the Lord Shine richly on you,
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Todd Bentley
Who do you listen to and why do you listen to them? These are important questions to ask ourselves. Are the people we are listening following the world of God? Are they speaking scripture, are they teaching about Christ Jesus or are they preaching themselves?
In Lakeland Florida a "revival" ( I have not heard of any salivations or the Gospel shared) is taking place by a guy named Todd Bentley. You might of heard of him, from CNN, CBN, TBN and GodTV. You might of heard of from from some fo your friends, online forums, and other blogs.
There appears to be something happening in Florida. People are being healed of various things. A friend wrote a report on his experience there:
There are some reports of angelic teachings here that make me go huh?
Each of us comes to our conclusionsthrough our own filters. Granted our best filter is the Word of God. I feel the need to share a video that I found on YouTube. It is the first part of (so far) five part series on what is happening in Lakelan Florida. I do not know the people that made the video, but soem fo their words do ring true. Please watch all 5 of the videos and prayerfully decide for yourselves.
I want to leave you with scripture to think about when these things happen in our world. Some of them I believe are great and God sent, and some of them I do believe are from the evil one. We are told of people leaving the flock of God in oreder to follow those that tickle thier ears in 1 Timothy 4; that there will be false teachers in 1 timothy 6, and in 2 Peter 2.
I think it is important to remember that one of the Fruits fo the SPirt is "Self Control"
Matthew 7:21-23 ESV
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who si in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, 'Lord did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' 23 And I will declare to them, 'I never knre you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'
Just because someone is casting out demons, and speaking, and mighty works are being downs does not mean they know Jesus.
I love ya,
In Lakeland Florida a "revival" ( I have not heard of any salivations or the Gospel shared) is taking place by a guy named Todd Bentley. You might of heard of him, from CNN, CBN, TBN and GodTV. You might of heard of from from some fo your friends, online forums, and other blogs.
There appears to be something happening in Florida. People are being healed of various things. A friend wrote a report on his experience there:
There are some reports of angelic teachings here that make me go huh?
Each of us comes to our conclusionsthrough our own filters. Granted our best filter is the Word of God. I feel the need to share a video that I found on YouTube. It is the first part of (so far) five part series on what is happening in Lakelan Florida. I do not know the people that made the video, but soem fo their words do ring true. Please watch all 5 of the videos and prayerfully decide for yourselves.
I want to leave you with scripture to think about when these things happen in our world. Some of them I believe are great and God sent, and some of them I do believe are from the evil one. We are told of people leaving the flock of God in oreder to follow those that tickle thier ears in 1 Timothy 4; that there will be false teachers in 1 timothy 6, and in 2 Peter 2.
I think it is important to remember that one of the Fruits fo the SPirt is "Self Control"
Matthew 7:21-23 ESV
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who si in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, 'Lord did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' 23 And I will declare to them, 'I never knre you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'
Just because someone is casting out demons, and speaking, and mighty works are being downs does not mean they know Jesus.
I love ya,
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
It's been about a month
Sometimes when Life get's crazy I forget to take time out for myself. I forget to take a rest and just go "ahh". In the last 2 weeks we have hosted funeral's and starting praying about some major things for this church that I am honored to serve at. However for the last month I have not stopped enough to smell the roses, let alone know that roses are blooming.
I have been involved in some discussions about church, politics (Hillary Clinton is starting to make sense to me, family, children, real worship and just helping peopel in general.
I am starting to care more about my flock. This might surprise you, but all pastors that have been abused by churches are weary about being hurt again. There is an old saying "Screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me". Most of us do not want to go through all the pain, or take our families through the pain of a bad church again. To be honest some churches will make you want to leave the ministy, or church, if not following Christ all together.
Where sin is accepted, celebrated, rationalized, and justified, there will always be problems, there will always be the water fo the word fo God, and there will always be baby milk Christians. Where are the meat eaters? Where are the mature in christ Jesus? Why are these people not standing up for God and his word? Are there any of these people left in the church?
The problem in church is sin. Your sin and my sin. The reason that we sin, is becasue we decided to choose something over God.
That is a problem
We must learn to choose God first, and that also means that we must choose to follow Christ and his teachings.
if not then we are just playing the game called Life and we are playing Christianity. We might look like it, but in reality wea re not honestly following God. I think that is what breaks my heart the most, people who claim to love Jesus but deny them by thier words and actions. We know that si why many people have walked away from the Lord, and why many people ahve walked away from what si suppossed to be the safe place the church.
The only way that it will get better, is when we tak time to be Holy. When we spend time with the Lord, and slow ourselves down to enojy his creation.
I have been involved in some discussions about church, politics (Hillary Clinton is starting to make sense to me, family, children, real worship and just helping peopel in general.
I am starting to care more about my flock. This might surprise you, but all pastors that have been abused by churches are weary about being hurt again. There is an old saying "Screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me". Most of us do not want to go through all the pain, or take our families through the pain of a bad church again. To be honest some churches will make you want to leave the ministy, or church, if not following Christ all together.
Where sin is accepted, celebrated, rationalized, and justified, there will always be problems, there will always be the water fo the word fo God, and there will always be baby milk Christians. Where are the meat eaters? Where are the mature in christ Jesus? Why are these people not standing up for God and his word? Are there any of these people left in the church?
The problem in church is sin. Your sin and my sin. The reason that we sin, is becasue we decided to choose something over God.
That is a problem
We must learn to choose God first, and that also means that we must choose to follow Christ and his teachings.
if not then we are just playing the game called Life and we are playing Christianity. We might look like it, but in reality wea re not honestly following God. I think that is what breaks my heart the most, people who claim to love Jesus but deny them by thier words and actions. We know that si why many people have walked away from the Lord, and why many people ahve walked away from what si suppossed to be the safe place the church.
The only way that it will get better, is when we tak time to be Holy. When we spend time with the Lord, and slow ourselves down to enojy his creation.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Kari Jobe
I don't know how you feel abotu worship music. I love all styles, from Acapella to P.O.D. One of the memebers of our praise band brought this song to my attention. I hope you enjoy listening to it. The Lead worshipper is Kari Jobe.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Is this your church?
Articles of Faith: Seven habits of highly ineffective churches
ON THE THEORY that a capacity to laugh at ourselves and our foibles is good for the soul, I recently wrote a piece for use in my own denomination, the United Church of Christ, called "The Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Churches."
I suspect it can be generalized, with some mental editing, to temples, synagogues and other religious congregations. Tongue in cheek, here it is:
1. Elevate mediocrity to a spiritual discipline. Figure out where average falls and aim below there. Doing things with excellence, joy and flair may make someone uncomfortable. God doesn't really expect much anyhow.
2. Take no risks. A successful practice of risk avoidance is often best achieved by sending any and all new ideas to a minimum of four boards or committees who understand it's their role to say no to any new ideas. This process may need to be reinforced by remarks noting how a particular idea might make the church liable, cost money or ruffle feathers.
3. Practice the following evangelism strategy: "If they want us, they know where to find us." Assume that everyone does know where you are and what you are. It also can be helpful if your building looks like a medieval fortress. If you don't have that going for you, encourage ushers and greeters to look like palace guards as they perform their role.
4. Blame early and often. Maintaining dysfunction in a congregation is made easier if scapegoats are regularly identified. In some congregations, ministers make wonderful scapegoats. You may also blame "newcomers," or "people who don't understand how we do things in this church." If all else fails, blame the conference, the denomination or Satan.
5. Always be prepared to make an account of the excuses that are within you. Have an all-purpose excuse such as, "I've just been so busy" (elaborate at great length just how busy you are, implying that no one else is busy). Occasionally try out a creative new excuse, such as, "Our dog ate the printer-ink cartridge and required an emergency appendectomy. He is now very busy, too."
6. Make it clear to all that the job of the pastor(s) and staff is to keep everyone, meaning church members, happy. Think of your church as the "Love Boat" and the pastor as the cruise director and activity planner. The job of clergy and staff members is to keep everyone on board happy. If someone is unhappy, it's a sure sign your pastor is not doing the job.
7. Spend as little money as possible. Even though you may enjoy spending money on personal things like a car or a cruise, you can demonstrate your commitment to modesty and simple lifestyle at church. The very best programs cost nothing. And why would your church building need renovation? If it was good enough for your grandparents, it'll be good enough for your grandchildren.
ON THE THEORY that a capacity to laugh at ourselves and our foibles is good for the soul, I recently wrote a piece for use in my own denomination, the United Church of Christ, called "The Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Churches."
I suspect it can be generalized, with some mental editing, to temples, synagogues and other religious congregations. Tongue in cheek, here it is:
1. Elevate mediocrity to a spiritual discipline. Figure out where average falls and aim below there. Doing things with excellence, joy and flair may make someone uncomfortable. God doesn't really expect much anyhow.
2. Take no risks. A successful practice of risk avoidance is often best achieved by sending any and all new ideas to a minimum of four boards or committees who understand it's their role to say no to any new ideas. This process may need to be reinforced by remarks noting how a particular idea might make the church liable, cost money or ruffle feathers.
3. Practice the following evangelism strategy: "If they want us, they know where to find us." Assume that everyone does know where you are and what you are. It also can be helpful if your building looks like a medieval fortress. If you don't have that going for you, encourage ushers and greeters to look like palace guards as they perform their role.
4. Blame early and often. Maintaining dysfunction in a congregation is made easier if scapegoats are regularly identified. In some congregations, ministers make wonderful scapegoats. You may also blame "newcomers," or "people who don't understand how we do things in this church." If all else fails, blame the conference, the denomination or Satan.
5. Always be prepared to make an account of the excuses that are within you. Have an all-purpose excuse such as, "I've just been so busy" (elaborate at great length just how busy you are, implying that no one else is busy). Occasionally try out a creative new excuse, such as, "Our dog ate the printer-ink cartridge and required an emergency appendectomy. He is now very busy, too."
6. Make it clear to all that the job of the pastor(s) and staff is to keep everyone, meaning church members, happy. Think of your church as the "Love Boat" and the pastor as the cruise director and activity planner. The job of clergy and staff members is to keep everyone on board happy. If someone is unhappy, it's a sure sign your pastor is not doing the job.
7. Spend as little money as possible. Even though you may enjoy spending money on personal things like a car or a cruise, you can demonstrate your commitment to modesty and simple lifestyle at church. The very best programs cost nothing. And why would your church building need renovation? If it was good enough for your grandparents, it'll be good enough for your grandchildren.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Helping a friend
This is a vidoe from fox news about a Christian sister's husband who is missing. Please watch and share it with others.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Lessons learned from Fasting
Today I am ending a fast that started two week ago. As I began fasting I my close friends were asking me how long will you go , and I said " I don't know, I am hoping 40 days." Yes I wanted to be like Moses and Jesus. Fourteen days later, it is time to end. I do not know if I will ever fast for 40 days, I hope to someday, but that is up to God not me.
I never thought about fasting until 1997 when I read "The Celebration of Disciplines" By Foster. If you are Christ follower who desiress to learn tools that will deepen your walk with Jesus, then this is a good rescource for you.
I was drawn into the fast on my 36th birthday. Needless to say there was no big party, and no german chocolate cake. The reason I was drawn into the fast: There were some major issues in the lives of people that I have counseling, some things in my life, and some major issues that were affecting the church where I serve.
During the last 14 days I learned that I truly did turn to food for comfort instead of God (idolatry), that some demons need to be prayed over with prayer and fasting to get them out of people's lives and out of churches.. I gained greater insights into the things that I needed as a pastor to take authority over in my flock, and in my life. As the fast is ending I am realizing that we need to praise God continually as we are "praying without ceasing"
The scariest moment for me was when God was telling me to preach a different sermon than the one that I prepared for that week. I am propably you average joe pastor. We spend abotu 15-20 hours a week working on the sermons that god wants us to preach on Sundays. The time includes prayer, study, more prayer, practice, more prayer, honing our spirt's to listen to the Spirit, plus writng the sermon itself. That Sunday morning I had to trust God and the Divine Spirit to direct my words,to literally talk while I was the vessel. Needless to say there was a lot of wrestling in my soul, on that weekend, until I finllay preached HIS sermon. The subjuct that was covered "Tradition vs following God's word and If our hearts belong then why are they difiled?" - Matthew 15: 1-28, Collisians 2:6- 3:17
Needless to say that is was a toe stomper and butt kicker. People including me needed to repent of followign the idea's and traditions fo men, more that the word of God. That is hard to do when you have been in a church for years instead of being a church . Needless to say it is what God's people needed to hear, and we had a prayer of repentence at the end.
"You cannot be a Christian and be comfortable with your sin" - Holy Spirit
There is a lot of truth in that. We cannot be a Christ-follower, someone who is claiming to follow Jesus and then think that our sin is no big deal. It doesn't work that way. Our sin is what put him on the cross. Our sin is what cost him his life, what made him be torutred, whipped, spit on, etc. That was your sin, that was my sin, and he went through all it becasue he loves me.
Jesus loves you. This is the greatest thing that I have learned through my fasting. Jesus loves me. Above everything else that is what I needed to be reminded of, that si what I needed to hear, that si what I needed to learn. Jesus love you _______(insert your name)
Jesus loves me.
Think about it, meditate on it, go away by yourself, and just open yourself up to the reality of Jesus and his insane love for us.
Jesus love me.
Say it to yourself, say it out loud, say it proud, "Jesus loves ME!"
and then enjoy being his friend, and living like it.
I never thought about fasting until 1997 when I read "The Celebration of Disciplines" By Foster. If you are Christ follower who desiress to learn tools that will deepen your walk with Jesus, then this is a good rescource for you.
I was drawn into the fast on my 36th birthday. Needless to say there was no big party, and no german chocolate cake. The reason I was drawn into the fast: There were some major issues in the lives of people that I have counseling, some things in my life, and some major issues that were affecting the church where I serve.
During the last 14 days I learned that I truly did turn to food for comfort instead of God (idolatry), that some demons need to be prayed over with prayer and fasting to get them out of people's lives and out of churches.. I gained greater insights into the things that I needed as a pastor to take authority over in my flock, and in my life. As the fast is ending I am realizing that we need to praise God continually as we are "praying without ceasing"
The scariest moment for me was when God was telling me to preach a different sermon than the one that I prepared for that week. I am propably you average joe pastor. We spend abotu 15-20 hours a week working on the sermons that god wants us to preach on Sundays. The time includes prayer, study, more prayer, practice, more prayer, honing our spirt's to listen to the Spirit, plus writng the sermon itself. That Sunday morning I had to trust God and the Divine Spirit to direct my words,to literally talk while I was the vessel. Needless to say there was a lot of wrestling in my soul, on that weekend, until I finllay preached HIS sermon. The subjuct that was covered "Tradition vs following God's word and If our hearts belong then why are they difiled?" - Matthew 15: 1-28, Collisians 2:6- 3:17
Needless to say that is was a toe stomper and butt kicker. People including me needed to repent of followign the idea's and traditions fo men, more that the word of God. That is hard to do when you have been in a church for years instead of being a church . Needless to say it is what God's people needed to hear, and we had a prayer of repentence at the end.
"You cannot be a Christian and be comfortable with your sin" - Holy Spirit
There is a lot of truth in that. We cannot be a Christ-follower, someone who is claiming to follow Jesus and then think that our sin is no big deal. It doesn't work that way. Our sin is what put him on the cross. Our sin is what cost him his life, what made him be torutred, whipped, spit on, etc. That was your sin, that was my sin, and he went through all it becasue he loves me.
Jesus loves you. This is the greatest thing that I have learned through my fasting. Jesus loves me. Above everything else that is what I needed to be reminded of, that si what I needed to hear, that si what I needed to learn. Jesus love you _______(insert your name)
Jesus loves me.
Think about it, meditate on it, go away by yourself, and just open yourself up to the reality of Jesus and his insane love for us.
Jesus love me.
Say it to yourself, say it out loud, say it proud, "Jesus loves ME!"
and then enjoy being his friend, and living like it.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Joel Olsteen
Sorry it has been son long since I last wrote. I have installed new internet filter, and have been learning. Please pray for me as I am fasting about some issues, in my life and my church.
I hope that you enjoy this video about Joel Olsteen, It is important that we know who we are listening too.
THe best for our lives--------- Jesus Christ, not a nother book by some rich preacher.
Hope you have a good one.
Sorry it has been son long since I last wrote. I have installed new internet filter, and have been learning. Please pray for me as I am fasting about some issues, in my life and my church.
I hope that you enjoy this video about Joel Olsteen, It is important that we know who we are listening too.
THe best for our lives--------- Jesus Christ, not a nother book by some rich preacher.
Hope you have a good one.
Monday, January 14, 2008
A sad reality
Last month we had to give our dog back to the pound. We loved Bizbe, but she was not a great dog for us. I live on Church property. We have a 4ft fence and an open door policy. Bizbe was blue heeler and border collie mix. She was very cute and very well behaved. Except when people would coem over. At that point Bizbe would turn into Cujo. She would jump the fence in single bound, and go after the people. "Hi welcome to your pastor's house, she won't bite!" She never bit, but she did scare a lot of people, and one time ran out the door to chase down a friends kids.
As I say crying as my wife took her back to the pound, it hit me hard that I was heart broken, over my dog and yet, I did not cry over the lost who live in the Mission Valley.
Jesus came to destroy the works of the Devil and Save the World. His commishings us to teach his word, and show them his love. Have lost this in 2008? Have we forgot about the unbelievers and there plight? I had. I got busy with Decemeber and ministry stuff. I got busy with turning around a church, and dealign with internal conflicts and the sins behind them. i got busy in the word, on ofurms, rading blogs, and forgot that people need Jesus.
Forgot that I need Jesus too.
In 2008 I want to be more aware when it's time to shut my mouth, and open my heart. I want to look at the oppurtunities that GOD places me in and then enjoy being his child, and sharing my love for Jesus with others.
Sharing my love for Jesus, that is my goal. I hope it is your too
As I say crying as my wife took her back to the pound, it hit me hard that I was heart broken, over my dog and yet, I did not cry over the lost who live in the Mission Valley.
Jesus came to destroy the works of the Devil and Save the World. His commishings us to teach his word, and show them his love. Have lost this in 2008? Have we forgot about the unbelievers and there plight? I had. I got busy with Decemeber and ministry stuff. I got busy with turning around a church, and dealign with internal conflicts and the sins behind them. i got busy in the word, on ofurms, rading blogs, and forgot that people need Jesus.
Forgot that I need Jesus too.
In 2008 I want to be more aware when it's time to shut my mouth, and open my heart. I want to look at the oppurtunities that GOD places me in and then enjoy being his child, and sharing my love for Jesus with others.
Sharing my love for Jesus, that is my goal. I hope it is your too
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